Programmer. Figure Skater. Rising Entrepreneur.
Find Out More!Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Duke University
Expected Graduation in May 2023
Java, Python, C,
Javascript, HTML/CSS, C#
MATLAB, Fusion 360, SolidWorks,
AutoCad, Unity, Blender
I am a curious, motivated and team-oriented individual experienced in computer programming with a passion for education and the environment. I an aspiring entrepreneur, hoping to one day start a startup focusing on environmental sustainability or personalized education. As a life-long learner, I seek challenges, as I hope to learn and grow through each endeavor. At the heart of all my work is the passion I have for positively influencing as many people as I can.
Through my interdisciplinary work, I have learned how to work with a variety of people / teams and gained skills in software engineering, teaching, research, and entrepreneurship.
As the only high school intern, I was excited to lead a project at my first formal technical internship. Automated the entire portal (UI and database persistence) for CA agents/brokers login workflow. I was excited to join the four-person automation team, and lead a project. Saved company 2,000+ hours of manual testing with the automation scripts that ensured quality and stability of newly developed portal at GetInsured. Used Sahi, a JavaScript-based automation testing tool.
More info to come as I complete the internship!
Feb 2018 to Aug 2019: This was my first formal research experience in a field I was not familiar with, and was excited for the challenge to learn new techniques and subjects throughout these projects. Published paper (first author) in JoVe Video Journal on the photoactivation efficiency of fluorescent proteins. Developed scripts to analyze cancer cell nuclei using CellProfiler and MATLAB. Created 50+ microfluidic devices to study the effect of mechanical stress on cancer cells at the Stanford School of Medicine Renz Lab.
Jul to Aug 2019: Analyzed large marketing datasets, quartered time spent on manual data collection by reorganizing campaign structure for easy export. Collaboratively developed effective strategies for app bundling at CPrime Inc. Learned how to effectively market a product and the workflows associated with its development.
Aug 2019 to Present: Assist students and staff with 3D printing, laser cutting, electronics, and other fabrication tools on the campus maker spaces, and provide guidance on design projects. Repair and maintain 40+ 3D printers per week: recalibrating, unclogging, inserting new material, fixing camera issues at Duke CoLab. I seek to make the CoLab a welcome place for all patrons.
Jan 2020 to Present: Through this experience, I found my passion for education. Starting as a first-year, I co-lead a weekly discussion section of 20 students and hold office hours to help students work through projects / assignments. Concurrently take computer science education research course to better teach CS and help students retain knowledge. Attend weekly TA meetings and grade exams and final. See Duke CS Department for more info.
Aug 2019 to Present: Coming to Duke, I wanted to help close the gender gap in tech by planning events on campus (workshops, panels, etc.) that give women passionate in technology to speak to experienced women in the tech industry. Former Live Events Programming director, current co-president for Duke Sheroes to promote diversity in tech by bringing in successful women in the tech industry and hosting events.
Aug 2019 to Present: As a figure skater of over 10 years, I have learned through the joy and challenges of this sport (freezing while falling on frozen water, waking up before 5am every day, managing time effectively) Member of Duke Figure Skating Club. US Figure Skating collegiate competitor.
Aug 2019 to Present: Investment Analyst for DIIG, seeking to identify promising environmentally-focused startups to invest our $100,000 of Duke Endowment funds.
Jan 2019 to Present: Creating a portable foldable laptop stand. Currently continuing the prototyping process after rounds of user interviews and feedback.
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